We are excited to announce that the launch of our new Website is fast approaching! Our team has been working around the clock for the last couple of months to deliver an excellent website, so you can enjoy the best possible user experience.
Family Day Care Australia is a national peak body which supports, enhances and resources family day care services. Its role is to resource and promote family day care services to ensure the strength and continued growth of the sector in Australia. They are a member-based not-for-profit organisation that works on behalf of the members. Visit their website
NSW Family Day Care is the NSW peak body for Family Day Care with the aim to promote and support all aspects of family day care. Visit their website
Acecqa (Australian Children’s Education & Care Quality Authority) is the National Quality Framework raises quality and drives continuous improvement and consistency in Australian education and care services. Visit their website
Education and Care National Law 2010 inc. Amendments 2018
Education and Care Services National Regulations 2011 inc. Amendment
ChildStory NSW Mandatory Reporting
Child Safe DHHS VIC Mandatory Reporting
ACECQA Resources Supporting Materials Family Day Care
Guide to the National Quality Standard
Belonging Being and Becoming
My Time, Our Place
Bush Fire Household Assessment NSW
Staying Healthy in Childcare 5th Edition
Kid Safe Australia
My Home-My Business
Work Safe Victoria Occupational Health and Safety
Code of Ethics - Early Childhood Australia
United Nations Convention of the Rights of the Child